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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:11:57

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第901页(670字)


a.①平行的,并行的,同方向的:parallel lines平行线.parallel bars双杠The street runs parallel to(or with)the railway.这条街与铁路平行.The ships steamed on parallel courses.这些船往同一方向行驶.②相同的,相似的:a parallel problem同样的问题.His prudence is parallel to his courage.他又谨慎又勇敢.③【电】并联的:a parallel circuit并联电路.

-n.①平行线:a parallel ruler平行线规.②纬线,纬度圈:the 38 th parallel 三八线.③同样的人或物,匹敌者:The Chinese People’s Liberation Army is an army without(a) parallel in the world.中国人民解放军是一支举世无双的军队.④对比,比较:He drew a parallel between the two typewriters.他把这两台打字机作了比较.⑤平行号(‖).

-vt.①与…平行:The road parallels the river.这条路与河平行.②与…相同,与…匹敌.③比较.④举出与其相同或相比的事物.
