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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:13:35

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第913页(1113字)


(paid,paid)vt.①付给,付(款):pay cash付现款.pay sb the money付款给某人.pay taxes纳税.I paid two yuan for the book.我花两元买这本书.pay money in存款.②偿还,还清:pay a debt还债.pay money back还钱,还债.pay money out还清债务.pay(money)up还清,付清.pay one’s way不负债.③报酬,酬谢,偿还:pay sb.for his help酬谢某人的帮助.pay sb.out惩罚某人,向某人报复.④给予:pay a friendly visit(to)(对…)进行友好访问.pay sb.a compliment称赞,夸奖某人.pay one’s respects to向…致敬.pay lip service to sth.空口讲.pay attention to注意…:We must pay close attention to the new trends of class struggle.我们必须密切注视阶级斗争的新动向.⑤有利.合算:It pays you to rise early.早起对你是有好处的.

-vi.①支付,偿还:pay in advance预付.pay by instal(l)ments分期付款.pay for负担…费用,付…代价,受惩罚:a lesson paid for with blood血的教训.The bread is paid for.此面包已交款.He will have to pay for what he did.他这样做必然要受到惩罚.②值得,合算,有利:It pays well to do so.这样做很合算.

△pay out(or away)放出(绳等),放松(绳等):He called to the workers to pay out the rope:他要工人们把绳子放松些.pay sb.off 1)给薪解雇.2)(债务)全部还清.put′paid’to sth.【口语】解决(某事物),结束(某事物)以免再有麻烦.

-n.薪水,工资:full(half) pay 全(半)薪.draw one’s pay 领工资.be in the pay of受…雇用.without pay 无报酬地.

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