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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:15:43

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第933页(781字)


n.①碎块,断片,部分:The glass was broken to pieces.玻璃杯被打得粉碎.She tore the letter into pieces.她把信撕得粉碎.Does the machine take to pieces?这台机器要拆卸吗? piece by piece 一部分一部分地,一块一块地.②(物质名词和抽象名词的计量单位)件、个、块、片、张等:a piece of cloth一块布,一匹布.a piece of clothing一件衣服.a piece of paper一张纸,一匹纸.two pieces of bread两块面包.a piece of advice一条意见.a piece of kindness一番好意.three pieces of news三条新闻.a piece of music一支曲子.a piece of work一项工作,一部作品.a piece of one’s mind坦率的意见,批评.③枪,炮:a fowling piece 一支鸟枪.④硬币,钱币:a five-cent piece 一枚五分硬币.⑤(象棋等)棋子,(成套餐具等的)件.⑥(工作的)件:be paid by the piece 按件付工资.piece wages计件工资.⑦零件,轧件.

△of a piece(with)与…同样.

-vt.①拼缀,补缀:piece a cushion用碎布拼成椅垫.②接合,拼合:piece together the scraps of a pavement铺缀人行道上的碎石块.piece out补足,凑成,完成.

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