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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:18:22

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第951页(2484字)


n.①(工具、武器等的)尖:the point of a needle针尖.not to put too fine a point upon it坦白地说,说实话.②点,句点,小数点,【乐】点符:a decimal point 小数点.a full point 句号,【乐】休止符.six point eight六点八.③(空间或时间上的)点:a point of departure起点.a turning point 转折点.at this point 在此地,在此刻.We should take the victories already won as a new starting point for continuing the revolution.我们应当把所取得的胜利当做继续革命的起点at(or on)the point of就要:He is at the point of death.他就要死了.He is on the point of going north.他正要上北方去.at all points完全,十分.④度,程度:the boiling-point 沸点.the melting point of lead铅的熔点.The thermometer went up six points.寒暑表升高六度.He was angry to the point of madness.他要气疯了.⑤要点,论点,主旨:the point of an article文章的要点.keep to the point 扣住要点.miss the point of a joke没抓住笑话的可笑之处.I don’t see your point.我不懂你的意思.a point of view观点.a correct political point of view正确的政治观点.come to the point 说到要点,抓住关键:Well,let’s come to the point,will you go yourself or send a representative?喂,我们谈正题吧,你自己去还是派代表去?carry(or gain)one’s point 说服别人同意,达到目的.off(or away from)the point 说题外话,离题.to the point 中肯,扼要:speak to the point 说得中肯.makeor score)a point 确立所提议的事,赢得他人对议论的赞同,达到目的.make a point of(doing)sth.认为(做)某事是必要的,坚持(做)某事:I always make a point of doing physical training.我一贯认为进行体育锻炼是必要的.in point 适当的,切题的:Your remarks are not in point,think again for a better illustration.你说的不切题,再想一个更好的解释.⑥意义,目的,用途:There’s no point in doing that.做那事没有用处.He has gained his point.他达到了目的.What is the point in getting angry?发脾气有什么用呢?a point of honour对个人荣誉极关重要的事.⑦项目,细节,条款:Eight-point Charter for Agriculture农业八字宪法.on this point 关于这点.refute point by point 逐点反驳.We differ on these points.我们在这些细节上有分歧.stretch a point 越权处理,变通处理.⑧特点,特征:a strong point 长处,优点.a weak point 短处,缺点.⑨效果,尖刻,锋利:His remarks lack point.他的评语不够犀利.⑩档(证券交易所开出股票价格的单位).⑾(罗盘上的)方位(=11度).⑿(pl.)(铁路上)转辙器,道岔.⒀【印】磅因(计算活字大小的单位).⒁(犬)站住以头指向猎物的动作.⒂【军】尖兵.⒃【医】穴位:the key acupuncture points主要针刺穴位.⒄(比赛的)点,分:score twenty points获得二十分.give points to sb.让某人若干点.

-vt.①瞄准,对着:point a gun at the enemy把枪瞄准敌人.point the finger at a deer on the hillside用手指指山坡上的鹿.②指出,指引:point out a mistake(to me)(给我)指出一个错误.He points out that他指出….We must follow the road pointed out by the Party.我们必须走党所指引的道路.③削尖,使尖锐,加强力量:point a pencil削铅笔.point his argument with apt illustrations用适当的例子加强他的论点.④圈点,加句点,打小数点.

-vi.①指向,表明,表示:I am ready to go wherever Chairman Mao points.毛主席挥手我前进,The needle of a compass points to the north.罗盘针指向北方.All the evidence points to his innocence.一切证据均表明他无罪.②(犬)站住以头指向猎物.

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