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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:23:19

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第981页(780字)


vt.①印,盖(印):print a seal盖印.②印刷,出版,发行:print 2,000 copies印两千册.print a book印行一本书.③铭刻,铭记:print on one’s mind(or memory)铭记在心:print Chairman Mao’s teachings on one’s mind毛主席的教导牢记在心.④照印刷体写(字、字母).⑤印(晒)相片:print two copies from this negative用这张底片晒两张相片.⑥印染,印花(于布等上):print figures on cloth在布上印花.

-vi.①印刷,出版.②照印刷体写.③(相片)被印出来:This film has not printed very well.这胶卷印出来不太清楚.print·er n.印刷工人,排字工人,印刷者.

-n.①印刷,印刷符号,印刷体:clear print 清楚的印刷.in large(small) print 用大(小)铅字印刷.in print(书等)已出版,在出售中:The publishers hope that the book will be in print next month.出版者希望那书于下月出版.out of print(书)已绝版.put into print 付印.rush into print(作者)急于付印.②【美】印刷品,出版物,报纸.③痕迹,印迹.④印花布:a print dress印花布的衣服.⑤(从底片、印模等印出的)相片、图片等,版画,印画:an old print 一幅古老的版画.

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