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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:27:38

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1005页(1298字)


vt.①推,推进,推动:push a cart推车.push the door open把门推开.push one’s way through the crowd从人群中挤过.push sth.aside(or away)推开某物.push sth.down推倒某物,推翻某物.push sb.out排挤某人.Don’t push that child over.不要推那孩子.Push up the window,please.请把窗关上.push sb.around【口语】威胁某人,驱使某人.②推行,扩展:push one’s business扩展事业.push the counterrevolutionary revisionist line推行反革命修正主义路线.③强求,强行,追求(目的等),努力做:push one’s claims强行要求.push sth.through完成,做完:We must push the matter through.我们必须努力做完这事.④催逼,逼迫:push sb.for payment催逼某人还钱 push sb.to do sth.迫使某人做某事.be pushed for time(money,task)时间(钱、任务)紧.⑤按(电钮等):push a button按电钮.⑥袭击,攻击:push sb.with questions盘问某人.⑦发出(芽、根等)(out):The plants push out new roots.植物生出新根.

-vi.①推,推进,急进,奋进:You pull and I push.你拉我推.push along(or on forward)急进,奋进,继续前进:They pushed on to the north.他们向北方前进.We must push on with our work.我们必须赶快做完工作.push off 1)(用桨、篙顶岸)把船撑开.2)【口语】离开,动身:We must push off soon.我们必须上动身.②竭力追求.push·er n.推动者.

-n.①推,推力:give sb.a push 把某人推一下.open the door with(or at)one push 用力一推将门推开.②毅力,奋力,精力:a man full of push and go精力充沛的人.make a push to do sth.加劲做某事.③猛攻,突进:The enemy made a push.敌人发动猛攻.④迫切,危急,紧急,危机:at a push 在紧急时.when(until)it comes to the push 在(直到)情势危急时.

△get the push【口语】被解雇.give sb.the push【口语】解雇某人.

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