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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:28:19

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1013页(790字)


n.①问,问题:questions and answers问答.put a question to sb.向某人提问.Have you any questions?你(你们)有什么要问的吗?②(待讨论或解决的)问题:questions of right and wrong是非问题.The question(of)when to start is still under discussion.什么时候动身的问题还在讨论中.be some(no) question of对…有些(没有)讨论.come into question 被讨论,变为有实际重要性.in question 议论中的.out of the question 不可能,根本不必讨论.put the question 要求投票表决.③怀疑,反对,怀疑或反对的提出:That’s a question.那是个疑问.There is no question but that he will succeed.没有疑问,他一定会成功.out of(or past without) question 毫无疑问,不在话下.call sth.in question 对某事提出反对,表示怀疑.④【语法】疑问句.⑤询问,审查.

-vt.①问,询问,审问:We questioned him on this subject.关于这个问题,我们问过他.②怀疑:I question the truth of his words.对于他的话,我是怀疑的.I question whether his proposal will be approved.我怀疑他的建议是否能够被批准.ques·tioning·ly ad.

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