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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:30:15

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1023页(1460字)


vt.①排列:range trees along a driveway沿路栽树成行.range the militiamen in line使民兵排成横队.The spectators ranged themselves along the route of the procession.观众沿着游行队伍的路线排好.②分类,列入,站在…一边:range plants in genera把植物分类.range oneself with the Party站在党的一边,拥护党.be ranged against反对….③徘徊,漫游:range the fields在田间徘徊.range the forest for game在森林中跑来跑去找猎物.④瞄准,开枪,发射:The PLA men ranged their guns on the enemy planes.解放军战士把炮对准敌人的飞机.

-vi.①并行,并列(along,with):The fence ranges with the street.篱笆和街道并排.He ranges with seeded players.他和种子选手并列.②绵延;(动、植物)分布;变化:a mountain that ranges north and south绵亘南北的山.prices ranging from 3 to 4 yuan(or between 3 and 4 yuan)从三元到四元之间的价格.This plant ranges from China to Viet Nam.这种植物从中国分布到越南.③徘徊,漫游(over,through):animals that range through the forests在森林中漫游的动物.a speaker who ranged far and wide话题很广的讲演人.His thoughts ranged over past,present and future when he joined the army.他参军时,想到过去、现在和将来.④(炮等)射程达及:This gun ranges over ten miles.这炮射程可达十哩.

-n.①排列,绵亘,山脉:a range of pipes一排管道.a range of buildings一排建筑物.a range of cliffs(mountains)一列峭壁(群山).②范围,领域,限度:the range of a thermometer寒暑表升降的限度.a wide range of meadows一大片草地.the range of one’s voice音域.a wide range of knowledge知识渊博.in the range of在…范围内.be out of one’s range 某人能力所不及的,在某人知识范围以外的.③射程,距离:at a range of 15 kilometres十五公里的射程.fire at short(long) range 近(远)距离射击.be out of(within) range 在射程以外(以内)的.④靶场,射击场.⑤炉灶:a gas range 煤气灶.⑥(动、植物)分布区.

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