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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:43:41

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1107页(905字)


vi.①冲,突进:1rush forward向前冲.He 1rushed at the enemy with a rifle in his hand.他持枪向敌人冲去.The boys 1rushed in to get the ball.孩子们冲进来取球.Rivers 1rush into the sea.江河急流人海.She 1rushed out of the room.她冲出房间.②匆忙,赶紧,抢先:1rush into print仓促付印.1rush through one’s work抢着把活干了.Don’t 1rush to a conclusion.不要匆忙下结论.

-vt.①使向前冲,驱逐:The guerrillas 1rushed the enemy out of the trench.游击队把敌人从壕沟里赶出来.②催促,赶紧做:1rush one’s work赶工作.1rush troops to the front赶调部队到前线去.I must think things over,so don’t 1rush me.我要把事情好好考虑一下,别催我.1rush sb.off his feet迫使某人无时间思索而急速行动.③突破,猛攻,冲进:1rush the enemy’s blockade突破敌人的封锁.④【俚】索高价,敲诈.

-n.①冲,突进:a 1rush of blood to the head血涌至头部.a 1rush of current激流.The children came in with a 1rush.孩子们冲进来了.②忙碌,繁忙,拥挤:do sth.with a 1rush 匆忙地做某事.a great 1rush of business工作非常繁忙the 1rush hours(上、下班等的)拥挤时间.③急需,抢购:a 1rush for rubber shoes胶鞋的急需.

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