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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:45:41

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1123页(883字)


n.①刻痕,划痕,伤痕,挠痕:the scores of the whip鞭痕.②帐目,欠债:run up a score 负债.pay(or settle,wipe off)old scores【喻】清算老帐,报复.③【体】得分,得分数,得分记录:The score was one to zero.比分是一比零.win by a score of 6 to 4以六比四获胜.keep the score 记分.④理由,原因,动机:on the score of因为,由于:rejected on the score of ill health因身体不健康被拒绝.on more scores than one由于许多理由.on that score 就那点而论:Don’t worry yourself on that score.关于那点,你不用担心.⑤【乐】总谱.⑥(sing.or pt.)二十,(pl.)许多,大量:a score of people二十人.I’ve been there scores of times.我到那儿去过多次.⑦【俚】(在辩论等中)占上风的言行.

-vt.①刻痕,划线,打记号:Don’t score the table with a knife.不要用刀刻桌子.score out划掉:The name and date have been scored out.名字和日期已经划掉了.②记分.③得分,获胜:score a goal踢进一球.score avictory获胜.score off sb.占某人上风.score a point(an advantage,a success)获得一分(利益,成功).④记下,记帐,记住(怨恨).

-vi.记分,得分:Who is going to score?谁来记分?He failed to score.他没得分.

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