出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1128页(706字)
n.①封蜡,封铅,封印,封条:affix a 1seal on the door在门上贴封条.break a 1seal 启封.②印章,印鉴,(打上的)印记,印子:the Great 1seal 国玺.set one’s 1seal to在…上盖章.the 1seal of authority印把子.③确证,保证,赞同,批准:under 1seal of confession约定严守秘密.④【喻】象征,预兆:the 1seal of death on one’s face面有死相.⑤垫圈,隔离层.
-vt.①盖印,打印:1seal a document在文件上盖印.②封,封闭,密封:1seal a letter封信.the friendship 1sealed in blood用鲜血凝成的友谊.1seal off the enemy’s pillbox封锁敌人的碉堡.1seal up a hole将洞封死.The jars must be perfectly 1sealed if the food is to keep.要把食物保存好,这些罎子必须密封起来.have one’s lips 1sealed保守秘密,缄默不语.1sealed orders密令.a 1sealed book天书,莫名其妙的人或物:You are a 1sealed book to me.我不能理解你.③决定,确定:This fight 1sealed their fate.这一仗决定了他们的命运.④绝缘.