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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:47:00

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1133页(3422字)


(saw,seen)vt.①看见,看到(常与can,could连用,不可用进行时态):I looked but saw nothing.我注意看了,但没看见什么.Can you see the characters on the wall?你能看见墙上的字吗?I saw something move(or moving)in the distance.我看见远处有什么东西在移动.I saw the book put on the table.我看见书放在桌子上.He was see n falling off his horse.有人看见他从上掉下来.He saw that the bottle was empty.他看见那瓶子是空的.If you watch carefully,you will see how to do it.如果你仔细观察,就会看出怎么做.see the back of(sb.)摆脱(某人),赶走,最后看见.see the last of 1)做完:I shall be glad to see the last of this job.我真希望这项工作赶快做完.2)和…断绝关系.3)赶走.4)最后看见.see things生幻想,生幻觉.see visions有先见之明,有眼力.see stars(头部挨打时)眼前冒金花.see one’s way(clear)(to do sth.or to doing sth.)设法或有意(做某事):He didn’t see his way to buying such a book.他不打算买这样一本书.②观看,观光:Have you ever see n the Summer Palace?你可曾游览过颐和园吗? see the sights观光,游览名胜.③了解,领会,明白:He didn’t see the joke.他不懂那笑话的意思.Do you see what I mean?你明白我的意思吗?I see you.我明白你的意思.I don’t see why he didn’t come.我不知道他为什么没来.not see the use(good,fun.advantage)of doing sth.不明白做某事的用处(好处、乐趣、利益).④认为,看作:as I see it据我看,在我看来.Marxism sees all matter as constantly changing.马克思主义认为一切物质都是不断变化的.⑤考虑,想一想:Well,I’ll see what I can do.那么,我来想想办法.⑥查看.检查.Go and see whether he is there.去看看他在不在那儿.Please see who it is.请去看看是谁.⑦留神,留心,注意,预备:See that the door is fastened before you go to bed.睡前留心把门关牢.Please see(to it)that children don’t catch cold.请留心别让孩子感冒.⑧会见,访问,接见:see a doctor去看医生,去医生处看病.see a friend访友.I’m pleased to see you.见到你我很高兴.I have see n nothing of him these days.我近来连他的影儿都没看见.May I see Mr.Brown?我可以见见布朗先生吗?She is too busy to see anyone at present.她太忙,目前不能接见任何人.I will see you again.再见.I am seeing him this afternoon.今天下午我要去看他.⑨护送,陪伴:see sb.home送某人回家.see sb.as far as the station一直把某人送到火车站.see sb.off给某人送行.see sb.out送某人到门口.⑩经历,阅历:He has see n a good deal in his long life.他在漫长的一生中阅历极丰富.This tool has see n hard use.这件工具用很久了.I have never see n such a fine machine.我从未见过这样好的机器.The twentieth century has see n two of the greatest revolutions in human history.二十世纪经历了人类历史上两次最大的革命.will never see 40(50,etc.)again年龄已过四十(五十等).have see n the day(or time)when曾经历…的日子.see service 1)(指人)老练,成为专家(因长期在军中服役等).2)(指物)因久用而破旧.⑾允许,坐视,袖手旁观:We can’t see small nations bullied by the two superpowers without giving them support.我们不能坐视两个超级大国欺负小国而不予援助.I’ll see you damned(or blowed)first.我决不答应做这件事.⑿想象,想起…的情景:I can’t see myself to be so ill.我无法想象会病得这样重.⒀(用于祈使句)看,瞧:See page 6.请看第六页.

-vi.①看,见,视(常与can,could连用,不可用进行时态):A blind man cannot see.盲人看不见.It’s dark;I can’t see.天黑了,我看不见.Move aside,please;I can’t see through you!请让开,你挡住了我的视线.see through看穿,看透:see through the trick看穿了那套把戏.see through him看透了他.Seeing is believing.【谚】眼见为真,百闻不如一见.②了解,领会,明白:Do you see?明白了吗?I see.原来如此,明白了.You shall see.过后你会明白的.as far as I can see 就我所知….you see(作插入语用)1)你一定明白.2)现在我必须告诉你,现在我必须向你解释.③考虑,想一想:Now, let me see.那么,让我考虑考虑.④查看,检查:There is something wrong with this machine,will you see to it?这台机器出毛病了,请你去检修好吗? see for oneself亲自求证,亲眼去看:If you don’t believe me,go and see for yourself!如果你不相信我,就亲自去看看吧! see into看破,检查,研究:I’ve see n into that matter.我已经研究过那个问题了.see over(对房间)查看:I’d like to see over the house before I decide to move in.在决定搬进去以前,我很想去看看那房子.⑤留神,留心,注意,预备:see to the fire当心烟火.He promised to see about the matter.他答应考查此事.see after照料,照应.⑥(用于祈使句)看,瞧:See,here comes the bus!看,车来了!

△see sth.through(or out)贯彻(某事),坚持到底:Whatever happens,we will see the struggle through.无论发生什么事情,我们决心斗争到底.see sb.through帮助(某人)完成.

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