出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1146页(5319字)
(set.set.setting)vt.①放,置,搁,设置,布置:set a pot on a stove把锅放在炉子上.set water before the travellers把水端到旅客面前.set fire to sth.放火烧某物.set sth.on fire点燃某物.set the table for five people在桌上摆五个人的餐具.set a trap for a mouse设捕鼠器.set type排铅字.set a flagstaff in the ground在地上竖旗杆.set the Thames on fire倒海翻江,作惊人的事.set sail张帆,开航.②使接近,使接触:set the axe to a tree砍树 set one’s shoulder to the wheel努力工作.set one’s hand to a job开始工作 set one’s teeth咬紧牙关,决心干.③使处于…状态,使成…关系,导致…结果:set things right整顿,安排.set sb.’s heart at ease使安心.set a machine going开动机器.set sb.thinking使某人陷入沉思.A good night’s rest will set you right.好好睡一夜,你的精神就恢复了.His jokes set the whole table laughing.他的笑话逗得全桌的人大笑. You mustn’t set the discipline at defiance.你不可无视纪律.set sb.against使与…不和,使反对或厌恶….set sb.on his feet 1)扶某人站起来.2)帮助某人获得力量、经济安定等.set sb.on his way送某人一段路.be all set 准备妥当(开始赛跑、赛马等).set one thing against another使互相制约,使补偿.④提出,规定,树立(榜样):set us a good example为我们树立好榜样.set him a difficult problem给他提出一个难题.set one self a heavy task给自己找一项繁重的工作.What exercises have been set for our homework?给我们留下了哪些家庭作业? set books考试用书,要考问的书.set the fashion出新花样,兴新风气.set the pace领头做,(赛跑等)领先定步调.set the stroke(划船)定下每分钟划桨的次数.set a price on sth·定某物价格.set a price on sb·’s head悬赏某人首级.set much(great,little,no)store by sth·十分(非常,不太,不)重视某事物.set sb.over others安置某人管理他人.⑤使从事,使做:set him to clean the windows派他去擦玻璃窗.I set myself to finish the job by the end of June.我决心六月底完成这项工作.set eyes on看,望.set one’s face against坚决反对.set one’s heart(or hopes,mind)on极欲,决心得到:The girl has set her heart on becoming an actress.这女孩决心要当演员.Set a thief to catch a thief.【谚】以毒攻毒.⑥改正,纠正,调正,校准,转向:set a pupil right改正学生的错误.set oneself right自己改正.set an alarm-clock拨好闹钟.set one’s watch by the time-signal on the radio按收音机的报时信号对表.set a saw锉锯齿并调正其齿角度.⑦镶,嵌,装:set a diamond镶宝石.a heavy lathe set in concrete装在混凝土上的大型车床.Thetops of the walls were set with broken glass.墙头插有碎玻璃.The sky seemed to be set with diamonds.天空中繁星闪烁.⑧整骨,接肢:set a bone整骨.set a limb接肢.⑨签字,盖章,下笔:set one’s hand to a document在公文上签名.set pen to paper下笔,写作.⑩孵卵,抱蛋:set a hen使母鸡孵卵.⑾播种,栽,植:set seeds播种.set plants栽植物.⑿配曲,谱曲:set new words to an old tune以新词配旧曲.⒀结果实:This fertilizer helps to set apples.这种肥料有助于苹果结实.⒁使坚固,使坚硬,使坚实:Heat sets clay.热使粘土硬结.⒂使成形,使成熟:set sb.s muscles prematurely.使某人的肌肉早熟.⒃(女人)卷头发,使头发成波浪形.
-vi.①(日、月、星)落,沉入:The sun has(or is) set.太阳落了.His star has set.他的好运已过②(水、气、潮流)流,吹;(感情、意见等)倾向.The current sets out.退潮.The wind sets from the east.风自东方吹来.Public opinion is setting against the proposal.舆论反对那个提议.③结果实:The apples haven’t set well this year.苹果树今年尚未结好果实.④(衣服)合身.The coat set svery well.这件上衣很合身.⑤凝固,凝结,变坚硬:This kind of concrete sets quickly.这种混凝土凝固得快.The jelly has not set yet.冻子还没有凝实.⑥(猎犬)站住指示猎物,(舞者)面向舞伴.⑦成形,变成熟:His figure has set ·他的体型已定.The face set s.绷住脸.
△set about 1)着手,开始:set about my packing开始收拾我的行装.2)【口语】攻击:They set about each other.他们俩打起来了.3)散布:set a rumour about散布谣言.set sth.apart(or aside)1)拨出,留下将来应用:set apart one-tenth of one’s wages each month每月留出十分之一的工资.2)不注意,忽视:set aside all formality不拘俗套.3)【法】拒绝,驳回,宣告无效.set back 1)阻止,阻碍:The attack has been set back.攻击受到阻碍2)退回,拨回:set back the hands of the clock one hour把钟拨回一小时.3)【口语】花费.4)离开:The house is well set back from the street.这所房子与大街有适当的距离.set down 1)放下,卸下:set down a burden放下重物.2)让(乘客)下车:I’ll set you down at the crossroad.我让你在十字路口下车.3)登记,记载.4)解释为,认为(as).5)归于(to),认为由…造成:set down one’s success to the leadership of the Party把成功归于党的领导.set forth 1)启程,动身:The guest set forth yesterday.客人昨天动身了.2)宣布,发表:set forth the facts摆事实.the fighting tasks set forth by the Party党提出的战斗任务.set in 1)开始:It has just set in to snow.刚刚开始下雪.2)(潮水、风)上涨:The tide is setting in.潮水在上涨.set off 1)开始(旅程、赛跑等),出发:set off for the factory出发到工厂去.2)使(地雷、爆竹等)爆发,引起爆炸.3)使(某人)开始做.4)使更明显,衬托:The golden frame sets off the oil painting.这金光闪闪的框子把这幅油画衬托得更美.5)平衡,抵销.6)分开,划分:set off a clause by a comma用逗点隔开从句.set on 1)前进,还击.2)攻击,袭击.set out 1)出发,启程:set out at two o’clock两点钟出发.2)开始.3)宣布,发表:set out one’s ideas发表意见.4)展示,陈列:set out goods on the stall把商品摆在陈列台上.5)散栽,移植.set to 1)开始奋力做某事:The workers set to and repaired the bridge.工人们开始全力修桥.2)开始争执、吵闹、扭打等.3)吃起来:As soon as food was put on the table they set to.食物一摆到桌上,他们就吃起来.set(oneself)up立身(as):He has never set himself up as an actor.他从未打算做演员.set(sth.or sb.)up 1)设立,建立:set up a post设岗.2)使(某人)自主.3)创办(机构、商店等):set up study classes办学习班.4)造成,促使:set up irritation引起炎症.5)(用被动式)供应:be well set up with reading matter获得充足的读物.6)开始高声喊出:set up a yell大声喊叫.7)病愈:The medicine has set her up again.这药物已使她恢复健康.8)排印:set up type排字.set up a manuscript排原稿.
-a.①固定的,不动的:a set pur pose确定的目标.a set look呆板的表情.a set phrase固定词组;陈套话.②预定的,指定的:a set time预定的时间.of set purpose故意地,有意地.③坚决的,固执的:a man set in his opinions固执己见的人.with set teeth咬紧牙关.④规定的,正式的,有准备的:a set speech有准备的演说.a set battle正式的战斗.⑤安装好的,做成的:a set machine安装好的机器.set scene舞台装具,大道具.⑥晴朗的,没有预兆变坏的:set fair大晴天.
-n.①组,套,副,对:a set of tools一套工具.a set of false teeth一副假牙:a radio set 收音机.②一群,同伙,同路人:the literary set 一群爱好文学的人.the fast set 不务正业的人.③(只用sing.)(潮流、风等)方向,(意见)趋向:the set of the tide潮水的流向.④(只用sing.)位置,角度,姿式:recognize him by the set of his legs从走路的姿式认出是他.⑤衣服剪裁的样式:I don’t like the set of the coat.我不喜欢这上衣的样式.⑥(只用sing.)【诗】日落:at set of sun在日落时.⑦(网球等)盘.⑧猎犬的指示猎物:make a dead set at猛烈抨击.⑨铺路花岗岩.⑩(戏剧、电影中的)布景,大道具.⑾幼苗,树秧:onion set s洋葱苗.⑿獾所掘的地洞.⑥卷头发.