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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:49:16

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1155页(1024字)


n.①样子,形状,外形:What shape is it?这是什么形状?Thecloud has a strange shape.这块云彩的样子很奇怪.in shape 在形状上:In shape,Italy is like a leg.意大利的形状象条腿.in the shape of以…形式:There was a red mark on his back,in the shape of the letter S.他的背上有一块S形的红斑.take the shape of采取…形式:Our help to the oppressed people has taken the shape of both material and moral aid.我们在物质和道义上援助被压迫人民.be out of shape 走形,走样.②模型,铸型:a hat shape 帽型.③具体化:With afew days’more work I shall get it into shape.再过几天我就会把这事搞出眉目来.take shape 定形,实现:The plan has taken shape in his head.这个计划他已经考虑成熟了.The new building is taking shape.这座新建筑物快完工了.④条理化:get one’s ideas into shape 使思想条理化:Let me try to get my ideas into shape,at present I am quite confused.让我把我的思路整理一下,现在我的思想很乱.⑤种类:in any shape or form任何形式的:You may make proposals in any shape or form.你可以通过任何形式提出建议.⑥模糊的东西,怪影.

-vt.造型,塑型:shape clay into a bust用粘土塑造半身像.It is shaped like a bell.这象个钟的形状.

-vi.成型,发展:Our Fourth FiveYear Plan is shaping well.我国第四个五年计划正在顺利进行.

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