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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:52:25

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1179页(1184字)


ad.①(与完成时连用)后来,以后:This city was laid flat by U.S.bombs twenty years ago and has since been rebuilt.这座城市二十年前被美国炸弹炸成平地,后来重建了.He joined the army last year and has not been home since.他去年参军以后还没有回过家.ever since 从那时起,一向:He went to Tibet in 1970 and has lived there ever since.他在一九七〇年去西藏,以后就一直住在那里.②(与一般时连用)以前(=ago):a moment since 一会儿以前.How long since is(or was)it?那是多久以前的事呀?It happened many years since.这是在好多年前发生的.

-prep.(谓语用完成时)自从…以来,自从…以后:The people’s livelihood has been greatly improved since the liberation.自从解放以来人民生活大大改善了.Ssince last talking with you I have been studying the subject.自从上次和你谈话以来,我一直在研究这个问题.since then后来,从那时以来.

-conj.①(主句谓语用完成时)自从…以来:We have learned a lot since we came down to the countryside.自从下乡以来我们学到了很多东西.②(主句主语为it,谓语用一般时)…以后(已有…时候):How long is it since you were in Peking?你离开北京已经有多久了?It is four years since we parted.我们分别到现在已经有四年了.It was two years since we had been in the countryside.那时我们已经在乡下两年了.③既然,由于,因为:Ssince you insist I will reconsider the case.既然你坚持己见,我就重新考虑一下吧.Ssince I was very tired,I went to bed early.因为太乏了,我才睡得早.He must have taken it,since it isn’t here.既然这里没有,他可能把它拿走了.

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