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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 06:56:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1203页(2888字)


ad.①那么地,到那个程度:Why are you panting so?你怎么喘得那么厉害?Please don’t speak so fast.请别说得那么快.I have never seen so magnificent a hall.我从未见过如此宏伟的会堂.(比较:so magnificent a.hall=such a magnificent hall词意相同,但冠词位置不同.注意后接复数名词或不可数名词时不能用 so,只能用such.)not so …as不象…那么…,没有…那么…(as…as的否定式):It is not so cold today as yesterday.今天没有昨天那么冷.It is not so troublesome as you think.这件事不象你所想的那么麻烦.not so much as与其说…不如说…:He was not so much angry as surprised.与其说他生气了还不如说他感到诧异.so …as to那么地…以致…:Would you be so kind as to lend me your bicycle?把自行车借给我用一下好吗?She is so excited as to shout herself hoarse.她兴奋得喊哑了嗓子.so …that如此…以致…:The two superpowers are so arbitrary that they have become more and more isolated.两个超级大国如此横行霸道以致越来越孤立.so much so that到那个程度以致…:The road was heavy so much so that the enemy’s motorized troops couldn’t move an inch.道路是那样地不好走,使敌人的摩托化部队寸步难行.②这样,那样:Is that so?是那样吗?Not so.不是那样.Quite(or Just) so.正是那样.How so?怎么会那样呢?I told you so!我早就告诉你是那样的了!I could scarcely believe it,but it was so.我简直不能相信,不过情况倒真是这样的.You will never do it so.你不要再这样干了.So I hope(=I hope so).但愿如此.③是的,你说对了:A:“It is a useful tool!”B:“So it is.”甲:“这是有用的工具.”乙:“对,它真有用.”A:“It was cold yesterday.”B:“So it was.”甲:“昨天天冷.”乙:“是的.”④(谓语移在主语之前)也一样:You are much concerned about the comrades and so is he.你很关心同志,他也是这样.A:“I went to the cinema yesterday.”B:“So did I.”甲:“我昨天看电影去了.”乙:“我也去了.”⑤【口语】非常,很:I am so glad to see you.见到你我非常高兴.There was so much to do!要做的事真多!ever so 非常,极:I was ever so interested in the play.我对这出戏很感兴趣.

△and(so forth and) so on等等.or so 左右,上下:He will be back in an hour or so.他再过一小时左右就回来了.so as to 1)以便:He fired at once so as to cover his comrades.他立即开火以便掩护同志们.I will have everything ready so as not to keep you waiting.我要把一切都准备好,以便不让你久等.2)以至于:Don’t let your radio blare so as to disturb your neighbours.别把收音机开得太响以免打扰邻居.so far到现在(或那时)为止,到此为止:So far we have had no trouble.到现在为止,我们还没有碰到什么麻烦.So far,so good.到此为止还算好.so far as至于,就…而论So far as I know就我所知.So far as I am concerned就我来说.so far from决不是,绝非:So far from being a help,he was a hindrance.他决不是助手,而是障碍.so long再见.so long as只要:So long as I am still breathing,I will make revolution.只要还有一口气,我就决心干革命.so much统统是,只不过是(废话等):What he has written is so much nonsense.他写的东西只不过是些废话而已.so much for就讲(做)这些吧,到此为止:So much for our visit.我们的参观就到此为止吧.so that 1)以便:Speak clearly,so that they may understand you.说清楚些,让他们明白你的意思.2)以至于,所以:My train was late,so that I couldn’t come earlier.我乘的火车误点了,所以我不能早些来.so to say(=so to speak)如果我可以这样说的话:You should have been more careful with your work,so to say.你本来应当对工作更细心一些,如果我可以这样说的话.

-conj.①因此,所以:We still have a lot to do,so let’s make good use of our time.我们还有许多事要做,所以要好好利用时间.②(表示感叹)那么,如此说来:So you have finished your work!如此说来你们已经把工作完成了!So there you are!情形就是如此!

△as… so …正如…,就…:As men sow,so will they reap.种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆.As two is to four,so is three to six.二比四等于三比六.

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