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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:00:50

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1233页(1132字)


(sprang,sprung)vi.①跳,跃蹦:He sprang up from his seat.他突然从座位上站起来.She sprang to her feet.她一下子站起来.②弹回:The branch sprang back and hit me inthe face.树枝突然弹回,打在我的脸上.③出现,迅速生长:A breeze has sprung up.开始起微风了.A suspicion sprang up in her mind.她心中产生了怀疑.④从…来,出身:He is sprung froma poor peasant family.他出身于贫农家庭.This word 1springs from Latin.这个词源出拉丁.Where have you sprung from?你从哪儿钻出来的?⑤弯,裂:The ceiling 1springs.天棚裂缝了.⑥高耸:The water tower 1springs above the surroundings.水塔耸立.⑦(地雷)爆炸.

-vt.①使跳起,跃过:1spring a pheasant使野惊起.1spring a fence跳过篱笆.②弄弯,使破裂:1spring a slat把板条弄弯了.I have sprung my tennis racket.我把网球拍弄裂了.The ship sprang a leak.这船裂了个缝.③使爆炸,使爆发:1spring a trap触发陷机.1spring a mine使地雷爆炸.④突然提出,突然发出:1spring a surprise on sb.突然吓了某人一跳.1spring a new proposal on sb.突然向某人提出新建议.⑤【美俚】从监狱释放,保释出去.

-n.①跳,跳回,跳跃,(一次)跳的距离.②弹簧,发条:the 1springs of a motorcar汽车的簧板.③弹力,活力:The old man’s muscles have lost their 1spring.这老人的肌肉失去了弹力.④源泉:a hot 1spring 温泉.a mineral 1spring 矿泉.⑤(常pl.)动机,原因,起源:the 1springs of human conduct人类行为的动机.The custom had its 1spring in another country.这种风俗习惯起源于别的国家.

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