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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:02:02

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1241页(2876字)


(stood,stood)vi.①站,站住:There are no chairs,we’ll have to stand.没有椅子,我们只得站着.The Chinese people firmly stand on the side of the oppressed people the world over.中国人民坚决和全世界被压迫人民站在一起.②站起来(up):Sstand up,please.请站起来.We stood up to see better.为了看清楚些,我们站了起来.③座落,位于,在某处:The house stands at the foot of a hill这座房子在山脚下.A clock stood on the writing table.钟在写字台上.Sweat stood on his brow.他额头上有汗.④处于…状态中:stand ready for anything做好了一切准备.stand waiting站着等.stand corrected接受批评,承认错误.stand well with sb.与某人关系好.stand on guard守卫.Who stands first on the list?名单上谁列在第一名?As matter stands,no progress hasbeen made in the negotiation.就目前情况看,谈判没有进展.stand in need of需要….⑤(温度、高度)有,是:He stands one metre seventy.他身高一米七.The thermometer stood at 32℃.温度计上指着摄氏三十二度.⑥持久,维持,继续有效:Let the words stand.不要改动这些字.The orders given last week still stand.上星期下的命令现在仍然有效.stand good继续有效.⑦坚持,毅然抵抗:stand firm(or fast)坚持到底.stand and fight the enemy out坚决与敌人战斗到底.⑧站到某处,.(船)向…行驶:stand aloof from an argument不参加争论.stand for the harbor向港口行驶.stand clear站开,躲开.

-vt.①使直立,直放,使站立:stand the child on his feet扶孩子站起.stand the bottle on the table把瓶子放在桌子上.stand the umbrella against the wall把伞靠在墙上.②忍受,容忍:I can’t stand the noise.我讨厌这么吵闹.I can’t stand to wait(or being kept waiting)any longer.我不能再等下去了.③坚持,经得住:stand the test of storms and waves经受住大风大浪的考验.This coat stands washing.这件衣服耐洗.stand fire冒炮火而不撤退.stand one’s ground 1)坚守阵地.2)坚持立场.3)固执己见.④经受,遭受:stand trial经受考验.⑤【口语】付账,请客:stand sb.a dinner请人吃饭.stand drinks to sb.请某人喝酒.stand treat(请客)付帐.

△It stands to reason that…是合理的.stand a(good,poor,etc.)chance有(良好、渺茫等)希望 stand against对抗,反对:He stood against the project.他反对这个计划.stand aside 1)不活跃,不干活.2)站开,躲开.3)让位.stand back 1)退后.2)离开:The house stands back from the road.这房子不在路边.stand by 1)支持.2)遵守(诺言等).3)准备,待机.4)袖手旁观.stand down 1)自证人席退下.2)退出竞选.stand for 1)代表:P.O.stands for Post Office.‘P.O.’代表‘Post Office’.(邮局)2)支持,赞成:stand for equality among all nations,big or small主张大小国家一律平等.3)为…候选人.4)【口语】容忍.stand in 1)花费:It stood me in a lot of money.花了我很多钱.2)分担:Let me stand in with you if it is expensive.如果太贵,让我为你分担一部分.3)(影片开拍前)临时代替主角.stand off 1)远离,避开.2)临时解雇(工人).stand on(or upon)1)依靠:stand on one’s own legs自立.2)坚持:stand on one’s rights坚持自己的权利 stand out 1)显着,突出:He stands out from among his friends as he is I m.85 in height.他在朋友中显得很突出,因为他身高一米八五.2)继续抵抗,支撑:The troops stood out against the enemy until their ammunition was exhausted.这支部队坚持抵抗到弹药用尽.stand over 1)延期.2)监视.stand to 1)遵守:stand to a promise遵守诺言.2)坚持,固守:stand to one’s post坚守岗位.3)作好(战斗或航行)准备.stand to win(gain,lose)有可能赢(获得,输).stand up for支持,为…辩护.stand up to 1)勇敢抵抗.2)(材料)耐用,耐久.

-n.①站住,停止:come(or be brought)to a stand 陷于停顿.②抵抗:make a stand against抵抗….③场所,位置,立场:take one’s stand near the door站在门旁.take oηe’s stand on依靠…而采取的立场.④看台.⑤停车处.⑥货架,货摊.⑦架,台,座:a music-stand 乐谱架.⑧【美】法院证人席.⑨旅行剧团的上演地.⑩某地生长的庄稼.

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