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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:03:11

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1248页(940字)


vi.①留,住,停留,逗留,保持:1stay in a hotel住在旅馆.I’m too busy to 1stay.我很忙没工夫停留.The doctor advised me to 1stay in for a few days.医生嘱咐我在家休息几天.May I 1stay out and play a little longer?我能在外边多玩一会儿吗?The nurse 1stayed up all night and looked after the patient.护士一夜没睡护理病人.Won’t you 1stay for supper?你就在这儿吃晚饭好吗?②有耐力,持久:1staying power耐力.The horse 1stays well.这很有耐力.③(常用于祈使句)停住:S1stay!You’ve forgotten one thing.停住,你忘了一件事.S1stay and hear me.等一等,听我说.

-vt.①止住,制止,推迟:1stay sb.’s hand挡住某人的手.1stay decision暂缓决定.He 1stayed the work and had the machinery removed.他停下工作把机器搬走了.②等待:I 1stayed dinner there.我在那儿等着吃饭.③暂时满足,镇定,解…:have sth.to 1stay one’s stomach(or hunger)吃些东西充饥.1stay the broil解暑,解热.

△1stay the course(赛跑)跑到终点,【喻】奋斗到底.

-n.①停留(时间),逗留:make a long(short) 1stay 作长期(短期)逗留.I have very much enjoyed my 1stay here.在此逗留我感到十分愉快.②【法】延迟,延期:a 1stay of execution缓期执行.

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