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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:04:27

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1255页(1025字)


(1stirred,1stirring)vt.①使动,移动,摇动:Not a breath 1stirs the leaves.没有一点风摇动树叶.If you do not 1stir yourself,you will be ill.你要不活动,就要得病了.You had better 1stir yourself.你最好活跃起来(找点事做).not 1stir a finger一根手指头都不肯动(不帮助别人,不用力做事).not 1stir an eyelid动也不动,无动于衷.1stir one’s stumps【口语】赶快,快走.②搅拌,搅动:1stir the porridge搅拌粥.1stir the beaten eggs into the milk把搅好的蛋掺在奶里.1stir the fire拨火.③激,起激动,鼓动,煽动:1stir up the revolutionary spirit of the people激起人民群众的革命精神.1stir up contention惹起争端.The story of a revolutionary hero’s life 1stirs our hearts.革命英雄的事迹感人肺腑.1stir the blood使兴奋,激起热情.

-vi.①动,活动,微动:Not a leaf 1stirred.树叶一动也不动.If you 1stir,I shoot.你若动,我就开枪.He hasn’t 1stirred out all morning.他早晨一直没出去.He is not 1stirring yet.他还没起床.②搅拌:The starch paste 1stirs easily.这浆糊好搅.③被激起,受感应:Pity 1stirredin his heart.他的怜悯心被激起了.

-n.①动,移动:There is not a 1stir.一点动静也没有.②搅拌,拨动:give the fire a 1stir 拨拨火.③动荡,骚动,吵闹:full of 1stir and movement沸腾.The event made a great 1stir.这件事引起极大骚动.④刺激,感动.

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