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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:06:21

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1269页(630字)


(stripped,stripping)vt.①剥,剥去,除去:strip the bark off(or from)a tree剥去树皮.strip a tree of its fruit摘去树上的果实.strip a house搬去屋里的家具.The bandits stripped him naked.匪徒把他扒得精光.The boy stripped the skin from a banana.这孩子剥掉香焦皮.②夺取,剥夺:strip sb.of money夺去某人的钱.The houses were stripped bare.房子洗劫一空.③损坏(螺钉的螺纹或齿轮的齿等).④【军】【海】拆卸,卸去索具:strip a machine gun拆卸机枪.⑤挤干()奶.

-vi.脱衣:He stripped and jumped into the water.他脱去衣服,跳进水里.

-n.①细长片,条:a strip of paper一片纸.a strip of cloth一条布.a strip of land一片地.②狭长的土地:an air strip 临时机场,起落地带.

△strip cartoon连环图画,连环漫画.

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