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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:10:23

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1292页(953字)


n.①惊异,惊奇,吃惊:full of surprise 满怀惊异.lookupin surprise 惊异地抬起头.To my surprise,his plan succeeded.他的计划成功了,使我感到惊奇.take sb.by surprise 吓某人一跳,冷不防地对某人做出某种行为.②意外的事,惊人的事:What a surprise!多么惊人的事!His visitwas a surprise to me.他的访问出乎我的意料之外.I have some surprises in store for you.我有些使你吃惊的事要告诉你.③奇袭,偷袭:a surprise attack突然袭击.take a fort(town,etc.)by surprise 袭取要塞(城镇等).

-vt.①使惊骇,使吃惊:You surprise me!你吓我一跳!She was more surprised than frightened.她惊讶的程度超过了害怕.be surprise d感到吃惊,感到诧异:I was much surprised at the news(surprised to:hear the news).听了这个消息,我感到很吃惊.I’m surprise d(to learn that)he didn’t come.他没来使我感到奇怪.We were surprised at finding the house empty.发现这座房子空了,我们大吃一惊.It′s nothing to be surprised about.没有什么可大惊小怪的.I should not be surprised if it rained this afternoon.如果今天午后下雨,我是不会奇怪的.②突然袭击,偷袭,奇袭:surprise the enemy偷袭敌人.③使突然做,吓唬…使…:surprise sb.into confession恫吓某人使之招认.surprise sb.into doing sth.冷不防地促使某人做某事④不期而遇,撞见.

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