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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:12:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1305页(8630字)


(took,taken.)vt.①拿,取,握,抓:take a pen in one’s hand手里拿着钢笔.take sb.by the hand拉住某人的手.take sth.on one’s back把某物背在背上.take sb.to one’s arms抱住某人.take hold of sth.握住某物.②占领,袭取,捕获,获得,获胜:take a town占领城市.take 500 prisoners俘获五百名俘虏.take first place(比赛)获得第一名.The Little Red Soldier took credit for saving the state property.那红小兵因抢救国家财产而受到表扬.take aback受惊,吃惊:The news took them aback.这消息使他们吓了一跳.③使用,利用,占用,享有,偷窃:take a seat in the front在前面就座.take the chair就任主席,主持会议.We shall take a holiday on May Day.‘五一’节我们放假.Who has take n my bicycle?谁把我的自行车拿走了(指借用或偷去)?Our troops should take advan tage of this opportunity to organize a counter-attack.我们部队应利用这个机会组织一次反攻.Let’s go to the playground and take the air.我们到操场去呼吸新鲜空气吧.④选择,采取:take steps(actions)采取步骤(行动).We must take the Tachai road pointed out by Chairman Mao.我们一定要走毛主席所指引的大寨道路.There are two apples here-which will you take?这儿有两个苹果,你要哪个?⑤预定,订购,订阅;租借:take(in)newspapers订报.take a room in a hotel在旅馆租一房间.⑥带去,拿去,携带,搬移,减去:take the bowls to the kitchen把这些碗拿到厨房去.take sb.to see the doctor带某人去看病.take four from nine九减四.This bus will take you into town.你可乘此公共汽车进城去.Take him these books,please.请把这些书带给他Please take these things in(out,away,back,home).请把这些东西搬进来(搬出去、搬走、搬回、搬回家).⑦(疾病)侵袭,感染,(火)燃烧:Be careful not to take cold.小心别感冒了.be take n ill(只用被动式)生病:He was suddenly take n ill.他突然病了.take fire着火,【喻】发怒.⑧发生(某种感情等),吸引,沉迷:take pity on sb.对某人表示怜悯.take an interest in sth.对…感兴趣.The new play took the public fancy.这个新剧大受欢迎.take de light in喜欢,喜好:The boys take great delight in playing basketball.这些男孩很喜欢打篮球.⑨处理,对待:take things coolly态度镇定,泰然自若.take it easy满不在乎,从容不迫.take sth.ill对某事表示不高兴.not take it ill of sb.(that)不怪某人(的所作所为).⑩记录,照(相):take notes记笔记.take sth.down in shorthand用速记记下.take a photo graph照相.⑾推断,以为,认为,了解,解释:take the masses as one’s teachers拜群众为师.take agriculture as the foundation and industry as the leading factor以农业为基础,工业为主导.take sb.for an expert把某人看作专家.take sb.to be an honest man认为某人是诚实的人.take sth.as settled认为…无须再作决定.Do you take me(or my meaning)?你明白我的意思吗?How would you take these sentences?你怎样解释这些句子?I take it that the train is late.我想,火车误点了.You may take it from me that你可以相信我所说的….You may take it for granted that你可以把…视为当然I should take it kindly if我应当感谢你,如果….take account of sth.(=take sth.into account)考虑到或注意到某事:take the interests of the whole into account顾全大局.We must take their revolu tionary enthusiasm into full ac count.我们要充分估计到他们的革命热情.take sb.into one’s confidence信任某人,将秘密告人.take it into one’s head心想,以为:take it into one’s head to do sth.有意做某事.take it into one’s head that想到,有…的信念.take thought for顾虑到,对…悬念.⑿服用,吃,喝:take a meal吃饭.takemedicine吃药.take one tablet after each meal饭后服一片(药).to be take n three times a day(药瓶标签)日服三次.What will you take?——Oh!I’ll take a glass of sherry.你喝什么?——啊!我喝一杯葡萄酒.⒀接受,接收,忍受;担负(责任):take advice接受忠告.take salary领取工薪.take a class负责一个班(教课等).take charge of sth.负责某事.take a catty of tea买一斤茶叶.What will you take for this bicycle?这辆自行车要卖多少钱?This store takes 500 yuan a week.这商店每周收入五百元.We should take it in hand to give him comradely assistance.我们应当给他以同志式的帮助.I’m not taking any.【口语】我不接受.You may take it from me(or take my word for it) that你可以相信我所说的….be able to take it(or can take it)能忍受处罚、痛苦、袭击等.⒁坐,乘;跳进,越过:take a bus(train,ship)坐公共汽车(火车、船).take the water跳进水里 take a hurdle跳过栏.⒂量出,问出,找出:take sb.’s temperature量某人的体温.take sb.’s measurements tor a new shirt量某人新衬衫的尺寸.take sb.’s name and address询问某人的姓名住址.⒃占用(时间等),需要:It takes time.这要花费时间.It took me four years to master English.我花四年工夫学会了英语.It took the Chinese people more than a hundred years to destroy the rule of imperialism,feudalism and bureaucratic-capitalism.中国人民消灭帝国主义、封建主义和官僚资本主义的统治,花了一百多年的时间.It takes two to make a quarrel.【谚】一个巴掌拍不响.⒄从事(某一具体行动):take a bath洗澡.take a leap跳一跳.take a look看一看.take a nap午睡.take a rest休息一下.take a walk散步.take a deep breath深呼吸.take an oath发誓.

-vi.①拿,取,捕,获得:take as heir作为继承人获得财产.This fish takes easily.这种容易捕.②照(相):The photo has take n well.这张相照得好.③奏效,(痘等)发:That smallpox injection did not take.接种的牛痘没有出来.Dry fuel takes readily.干燥燃料易燃.④沉迷;受欢迎:The new opera will take.这个新歌剧将受欢迎.⑤去:take down the mountain on a run一气儿跑下山.⑥成为,变成:take ill生病.

△take after像,与(父母、亲属)相似:∫ohn takes after his father.约翰像他父亲.take(sth.)away(from)使离开,移动,拿走:take sth.away from sb.从某人那里拿走某物.‘Not to be take n away.’不准拿走(如图书馆的书等).What takes you away so early?为什么你离开这么早? take(sb.or sth.)back 1)撤销,收回:I take back what I said.我收回所说的话.2)回到起点,【喻】回忆:The story took him back to his miserable life in the past.这故事使他回忆起过去悲惨的生活.3)同意拿回,取回:take back goods收回货物.take sb.(or sth.)down 1)写下,记下:The typist took down the article in shorthand.打字员用速记法记录文章.2)使谦逊:His arrogant airs need to be take n down.必须打打他的骄气.3)从…取下,放低:take down the curtains放低窗帘.He took down the notice he had put on the notice-board.他把自己贴在布告栏上的布告取下来.4)拆开,拆毁:take down a wall拆毁一道墙.take down a machine拆开一台机器.take(sb.or sth.)for认为,误认:Those with Rightist conservative ideas usually take the enemy for their own people.有右倾保守思想的人常认敌为友He was take n for a Korean.他被误认为是朝鲜人.take from减弱,减少:take from sb.’s credit减损某人的声誉.The obscurity of style takes from the value of the book.文体不明显,减低了这本书的价值.take sb.(or sth.)in 1)容纳,接收:take in new Party members吸收新党员. get rid of the stale and take in the fresh吐故纳新.take a friend in for the night接待朋友留宿.2)订购(期刊等):take in journals订购期刊.3)减少,缩小(大小、长短、面积等):Take in that line,it is much too long.这条线太长了,把它弄短些.The dress needs to be take n in at the waist.这件衣服腰围需要改小.4)包含:a motor-coach tour that takes in five towns一次包括五个城镇的长途汽车旅行.5)据为已有,开垦:This marshy land was take n in from the sea.这片沼泽地是填海而成的.6)了解,领悟:We need more time to take in the situation.我们需要更多的时间去了解情况.7)一眼看到:He took in the scene at a glance.他一看就看见那景色.8)欺骗:No Marxist Leninist will be take n in.克思列宁主义者是骗不了的.9)轻信或激动地听:The children were taking it all in.孩子们全相信那话.10)在家中承揽(活计).take off 1)脱去,除去:take off one’s hat(shoes)脱帽(鞋).take off one’s hat to sb.【喻】向某人致敬.His arm was take n off.他的胳臂被截去了.2)减去:take 5yuan off the price把价格降低五元.3)移动:Take your hand off my shoul der.把你的手从我肩膀拿开.4)引导,领走:He took me off to see the experimental plot.他领我去看试验田.5)转移(注意等):take sb.’s mind off sth.分散某人对某事物的注意力.He never took his eyes off his son.他目不转睛地看着儿子.6)停止(服务):The 7 a.m.express to Harbin will be take n off next month.上午七点去哈尔滨的快车将在下月停开.7)起跳,起飞:The plane took off at9a.m.飞机于上午九时起飞了.8)学样取笑.take on 1)担任,承担:U.S.imperialism presses its allies to take on more military obligations.美帝国主义迫使盟国承担更多的军事义务.2)接受…作对手:ready to take on all comers准备迎战所有应战者.3)现出,装出:The chamcleon can take on the colours of its background.变色蜥蜴能根据背景的颜色进行伪装.4)(火车等)准入:The bus stopped to take on the passengers.公共汽车停下来让乘客上车.5)过站:I fell asleep in the train and was take n on to Shenyang.我在火车上睡着了,因而错过站来到沈阳.6)雇用:take on five workers雇用五名工人.7)【口语】流行,风行.take out 1)除去,拿出:have one’s appendix(a tooth) take n out割除盲肠(拔去牙).take out the ink stains from one’s clothes去掉衣服上的墨水迹.2)取得:take out a driving licence取得开车执照.take it out in接受…作为补偿.3)领出去:take the children out for a walk把孩子们领出去散步.take over 1)接收,接管:take over a shop接管商店.We should take over the rich legacy and the good traditions in literature and art.我们要继承丰富的文学艺术遗产和优良传统.2)接任:The new cadre took over(from his predecessor)yesterday.新干部昨天(从他的前任)接任职务.3)从一个地方到另一个地方:He took me over to Anshan in his car.他用汽车把我带到鞍山.take part in参加:We take an active part in the socialist construction.我们积极参加社会主义建设.take place发生:Great changes have take n place in my home village since liberation.解放以来我的家乡发生了巨大变化.take to 1)开始(做):take to smoke(tabacco)开始抽烟.2)喜爱,从事,成习惯:take to labour习惯劳动.The poor and lower-middle peasants took to the educated youth the moment they saw them.贫下中农一见到这些知识青年就喜爱他们.3)逃入,逃避,【喻】逃避责任:take to the woods逃到树林中去 take to one’s heels逃走,逃跑.take up 1)拿起,捡起,举起:take up one’s book拿(捡)起书.The Indochinese people are takin g up arms to struggle against the enemies.印度支那人民手执武器和敌人进行斗争.2)占用(时间、地方):The desk took up one side of the room.这桌子占据了房间的一面.3)吸收,溶解:Blotting-paper takes up ink.吸墨纸吸墨水.How much water is needed to take up a catty of salt?溶解一斤食盐需用多少水?4)使稳定:take up a dropped stitch系紧一处漏落的针脚.5)打断并校正(说话人):He said something absurd.and we took him up immediately.他说了一些荒谬的话,我们立即制止了他.6)重新开始,接下去:take up a story接着讲一个故事.Last year we took up the battle against nature.去年我们继续开展征服大自然的斗争.7)从事,对…有兴趣:He took up dentistry.他从事牙科8)接纳(乘客):The bus stopped to take up the passengers.公共汽车停下来,让乘客上车.9)逮捕:The bad element was take n up by the police.坏分子被警察逮捕了.10)住下,定居:take up one’sresidence at在…定居.11)承兑(汇票),认购(公债等).12)【口语、方】变晴,变好.13)结交,保护:take up with sb.与某人结交.14)处理,对…注意:take sth.up with sb.向某人提出某事.take upon担负:She took upon herself the task of looking after the children.她担负看护儿童的任务.

-n.①取,拿.②捕获,收获;捕获量,收获量:make a large take 大量捕获.③【影】镜头.

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