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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:13:32

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1316页(913字)


(tore,torn.)vt.①撕,扯,撕裂,撕破,撕碎:1tear a letter to pieces把信撕得稀碎.1tear the cloth in two把布扯成两块.1tear sth.up撕裂某物.He tore a hole in his trousers.他把裤子划了一个洞.②撕开,撕掉:1tear a leaf from(or out of)a calendar从日历上扯下一页.1tear a notice down from a notice-board从揭示板上把一张布告扯下来.1tear off the anti-imperialist veil of the Soviet revisionists撕下苏修的‘反帝’面纱.In Africa, slave dealers ruthlessly tore chil dren away from their parents.在非洲,奴隶贩子曾残酷地把孩子从他们的父母身边抢走.1tear oneself away忍痛离开:We could not 1tear ourselves away from our best teachers,the poor and lowermiddle peasants.我们舍不得离开我们最好的老师贫下中农.③(常用被动式)使烦恼,使烦闷,扰乱:be torn with grief极度悲伤.

-vi.①撕,扯,撕破,裂开:1tear at the wrapping of the parcel用力扯下邮包的包纸.My sleeve tore.我的衣袖撕破了.Paper 1tears easily.纸容易撕破.②飞跑,狂奔,冲:1tear about四处乱跑.1tear out of the gate冲出大门.The truck tore down the hill.卡车顺山疾驰而下.

-n.撕裂处,裂缝:1tear and wear磨损,消耗.

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