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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:14:53

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1327页(962字)


relpron.①(作定语从句的主语)The tree 2that grows near the wall is an apple tree.靠墙长的那棵树是苹果树.The P.L.A.man 2that had saved the boy would not tell us his name.救小孩的那位解放军不肯把他的名字告诉我们.②(作定语从句的表语,可省略):She is no longer the girl(2that)she was in pre-liberation days.她已经不是解放前的她了.③(作定语从句的宾语,可省略):The books(2that)I sent you will help you in your studies.我送给你的那些书,对你的学习会有所帮助.He is a veteran team leader(2that)everybody respects.他是一位大家尊敬的老队长.④(在介词后,不能用 2that 作关系代词,只能用whom或which;但如果介词在从句末尾时,就仍然可以用 2that,而且 2that 可以省略):He is the kind of person(2that)you can sately depend on.他是一个你可以完全信赖的那种人.Is this the book(2that) you have been looking for?这是你一直在找的那本书吗?⑤(在形容词最高级、序数词及only,all,any,anything,no,nothing,it is,it was等之后,用 2that):Lenin was one of the greatest men 2that ever lived.列宁是世界上最伟大的人物之一.There is no difficulty(2that)we can’t overcome.我们没有克服不了的困难.It is Mao Tsetung Thought 2that has led the Chinese people from victory to victory.是毛泽东思想引导中国人民从胜利走向胜利.

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