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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:18:50

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1351页(2133字)


prep.①(表示运动的方向)到,向,往:go to school上学.on the way to the station到车站的路上.the highway to Yenan通往延安的公路.turn to the right向右转.Have you ever been to Peking?你到过北京吗?How can I get to Tien An Men Square?到天安门广场怎么去?The road leads to the countryside.这条路通往乡下.②(表示动作所引起的状态或结果)到,向:to my surprise使我惊异.all to rio purpose一无所获.tear to pieces撕碎.shoot sb.to death把某人射死.The capitalist system has been rotten to the core.资本主义制度已经腐烂透顶.He got wet to the skin.他浑身湿透.③(表示程度、范围)到:from beginning to end自始至终.count from one to ten从一数到十. from bad to worse每况愈下.to a certain extent(degree)到某种范围(程度). carry the revolution through to the end将革命进行到底.She acted the part of Hsi Erh to perfection.她扮演喜儿这角色非常逼真.④(表示时间)缺(欠):It is five to ten.十点差五分.⑤(表示动作的承受)给,对:He wrote a letter to the battalion headquarters.他给营部写了一封信.Give it to me,please.请给我吧.I spoke to him about it.我对他谈过此事.It seems to methat依我看来….⑥(表示对象)对于:the right answer to the question问题的正确回答.to my knowledge就我所知.I’ll always be faithful to the cause of the Party.我要永远忠诚于党的事业.⑦(表示目的)为了,作为:drink to his health为他的健康干杯,⑧(表示比较)和…比较:equal to 等于.inferior to 劣于.The socialist system is superior to the capitalist system.社会主义制度比资本主义制度优越.We won by six goals to three.我们以六比三获胜. Chances are ten to one.十之八、九有希望.This is nothing to that.和那比起来,这不算什么.I prefer climbing to walking.我宁愿爬山,不愿走路.⑨(表示伴随)跟着:sing to the piano跟着钢琴唱.⑩附着,归属:Chinese ambassador to France中国驻法国大使.a friend to Comrade Wang王同志的一个朋友.Please attach this label to your luggage.请将此条系在你的行李上.⑾适合:quite to my taste很合乎我的口味.a dress made to order定做的衣服.⑿(表示对立)对:shoulder to shoulder肩并肩.face to face面对面.contrary to it与此相反.

-(作小品词,加在动词原形前构成不定式,用作)①(主语):To follow Chairman Mao closely means victory.紧跟毛主席就是胜利.②(宾语):He wants to go.他要去.③(复合宾语):The P.L.A.men or dered the enemies to surrender.解放军战士命令敌人投降.④(表语):His wish is to join the P.L.A.他的愿望是参加解放军.⑤(定语):Is there anything to drink?有喝的东西吗?⑥(状语):Your mother will come to see you tomorrow.你妈妈明天来看你.⑦(代替不定式,以免重复):I intended to go,but forgot to.我打算去,但忘记去了.

-ad.到常态,(尤指)到停止状态,关闭:push the door to 把门关上.The door is to.门关着.

△to and fro来回地.

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