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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:20:02

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1358页(641字)


vt.①扔,掷,抛.(公等)用角挑上去:toss a ball to sb.把球扔给某人.tossed by a bull被公牛用角挑上去.be tossed to the rear by the revolutionary current被革命潮流抛到后边.②突然,抬起(头):The horse tossed its head.仰起头.She tossed her head angrily.她生气地抬起头.③使摇荡,使颠簸:a ship tossed by waves被浪颠簸的船只.④掷钱(决定某事):toss(sb.)for sth.掷钱币以决定某事.

-vi.①摇荡,颠簸:The waves toss.波涛起伏.The ship toss es.船摇摆.Our aeroplane tossed in the stormy sky.我们的飞机在风雨中颠簸.②掷钱.③翻来复去:toss sleeplessly all night整夜翻来复去睡不着.

△toss sth.off1)一饮而尽.2)迅速而不费力地做某事.

一n.①扔,掷,抛.②摇荡,颠簸.③落马:take a toss 跌下(马).④掷钱.win(lose)the toss 掷钱币猜赢(输).

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