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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:23:59

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1383页(592字)


n.①调,调子,句调,语调:the rising(falling) tune【语音】升(降)调.a popular tune 流行的曲子.②和谐,合调:in tune 合调子,协调,融和.out of tune 不合调子的,不协调的,不融和.③适应,谐调:be in(out of) tune with one’s surroundings(companions)与环境(友伴)协调(不协调).His actions are quite in tune with his words.他的言行是很一致的.

△change one’s tune(=sing another tune)改变态度,前倨后恭.to the tune of总数达.

-v.①调准(音):tune a piano调准钢琴.tune up 1)调正乐器,调弦2)开始演奏、唱、(儿童)喊叫.②调谐:tune one’s set to a wave-length将收音机调到某个波长.tune in to Radio Peking’s regular features拨收北京电台的固定广播节目.③收拾,修理:tune up a motor调整汽车的发动机.

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