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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:25:01

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1398页(1506字)


prep.①在…下面:under a tree在…树下.carry a book under one’s arm把书挟在腋下.The village nestles under the hill.那村庄在山脚下.The boys are growing up under the red flag.孩子们正在红旗下成长.under one’s nose在…的面前.②在…里面,被…遮盖着:The divers are working under water.潜水员在水中作业.There are 200 mu of land under maize in our team.我们小队有二百亩苞米地.③在…以下,少于,(级别)低于:a child under ten(years of age)一个不满十岁的孩子.under 30 people不到三十人.an officer under(the rank of) a regiment commander团长以下的军官.under one’s breath低声地,小声地:She spoke under her breath.她低声说话.④在(领导、管辖、影响等)之下:under the influence of在…影响下.continue the revolution under the dictatorship of the proletariat在无产阶级专政下继续革命.an operation performed under acupunctural anaesthesia在针刺麻醉下进行的手术.Under the leadership of Chairman Mao,our Party defeated the three main renegade cliques.在毛主席领导下,我党战胜了三大叛徒集团.We should be modest and prudent under all circumstances.在任何情况下,我们都应当谦虚谨慎.⑤在(痛苦、压迫等)之下:live under the heels of在…的铁蹄下生活,受…蹂躏.under the pressure of world opinion在世界舆论的压力下.under fire在炮火之下,受到攻击.⑥在(建设、治疗等)过程中:under treatment在治疗中.a house under repair正在修理的房子.be under way在进行中.The new factory is under construction.新工厂在建设中.Our plan is under discussion.我们的计划正在讨论中.⑦依据,遵照:under Article 6根据第六条.under orders奉命.⑧借,假借:under a false name用假名.under the cloak of披着…的外衣.under the mask of以…为幌子.under the pretext of在…借口下,以…为借口.

-ad.①在下,向下:bring under the counter-revolutionaries镇压反革命.go under 沉下,降下,失败.The fire was got under.火被扑灭了.②从属地.

-a.下面的,从属的:under jaw下颚.

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