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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:32:17

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1449页(968字)


a.①荒芜的,不毛的:waste land荒地.lie waste(土地)荒芜,尚未开垦.lay waste 糟塌,蹂躏,劫掠:Beautiful our land,majestic and grand.How can we let ravening beasts again lay it waste?祖国的好山河万千气象,怎容得去狼来再受创伤?②没有用的,废的:waste paper废纸.waste materials废旧材料.waste products废品.

-vt.①浪费:waste efforts白费力气.waste words徒费唇舌.We decided to waste no time in useless discussion.我们决定不再把时间浪费在无益的讨论上.He never wasted a single cent.他从不浪费一分钱.②消耗,使衰弱:The boy was wasted by disease.小孩因病消瘦了.③使(土地)荒芜,破坏,蹂躏.

-vi.①消耗,衰弱:waste away消瘦.②浪费:Turn that tap off-the water is wasting.把水头关上,水都浪费了.③(时间)过去,消逝:Day wastes太阳下山.wast·er n.①浪费的人.②【口语】懒鬼,废物.

-n.①浪费:It’s(a) waste of time to wait any longer.再等简直是浪费时间.go(or run)to waste 被浪费:What a pity to see all that water running to waste!看着水白白地浪费掉多可惜呀!②废物,剩余物,屑:make a good use of industrial waste 很好利用工业废物.③荒地,沙漠,荒芜:turn up all the wastes开垦所有的荒地.a waste of waters茫茫大海.waste·ful a.浪费的,奢侈的.

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