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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:33:43

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1459页(1819字)


(better,best)ad.①好,妙:He speaks English 2well.他英语说得好.2well done!做得好!W2well said!说得好!I hope everything is going 2well with you.我希望你一切顺利.do oneself 2well 日子过得舒服.speak(think) 2well of sb.说(认为)某人好.stand 2well with sb.受某人赏识.②恰当地,幸运地:do 2well to(do)…得正巧:You did 2well to come,你来得正好.come off 2well 好运气,好结果.be 2well out of sth.幸免.③有理由地,正当地:You may 2well be surprised.你惊奇是有道理的.I could not very 2well refuse to attendtheir meeting.我不好意思拒绝出席他们的会议.may(just)as 2well 1)不妨,还是…的好:You may as 2well go at once.你还是上去的好.2)等于,还不如:You might just as 2well expect the river to flow backward as hope to move us.你要想使我们动摇就等于让河水倒流.④十足,完全,充分:Shake the medicine 2well before taking it.服前将药水摇匀.He must be 2well past forty.他足有′四十多岁了.He is 2well up in military affairs.他精通军事.

△as 2well(as)也,同样:She can read English and speak as 2well.他能读英语,也能讲英语.

-a.(只作表语)①健康的:be(or look,feel,get) 2well 好,健康.How are you?——Quite 2well,thank you.你好吗?——很好,谢谢你.He will soon get 2well.他很快就会恢复健康.②满意的:All is 2well with him.他事事都顺利.It’s all very 2well(表示不满或不同意)好倒是好:It’s all very 2well for you to put forward the plan,but where’s all this equipment coming from?你提出的计划倒不错,可是这些设备从哪来呢? 2well and good(表示结果或对于决议、建议表示接受)也好:If you choose to take my advice,2well and good.如果你采纳我的劝告,那也好.③适当的,得当的:It would be 2well to start early.最好早些出发.④幸运的:2well off富裕,生活状况好.

-int.①(表示惊奇):2well,who would have thought it?哎呀!谁会想到这点呢?②(表示快慰,松了一口气):2well,we have finished it at last.好啦,我们终于完成了.③(表示无可奈何):2well,it can’t be helped.唉,没办法.④(表示谅解或同意):Very 2well,then,we’ll discuss it tomorrow.好吧,让我们明天再讨论吧.⑤(表示让步):2well,you may be right.嗯,你也许是对的.⑥(表示疑问,催问或期望):2well then?后来怎样呢?2well,what comes next?喂,下文呢?2well,is he coming after all?喂,他到底来不来?

-n.好,满意,美满:wish sb.2well 祝某人幸福、成功等.

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