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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:34:28

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1466页(890字)


pron.①(疑问代词)哪个,哪一个:Which of you wish to go?你们中哪些人愿意去?Which of them likes music best?他们中间谁最喜欢音乐?Which is the right road?哪条路对?②(连接代词,引导名词从句)哪个:It’s hard to say which is the best item on the programme.很难说哪一个节目最精彩.Do you know which is better?你知道哪个好些?③(关系代词,引导定语从句)那…的,那个,那些:I am reading a book which is written by a worker.我正在读一本工人写的书.Is this the book(which)the teacher mentioned yesterday?这就是老师昨天提到的那本书吗?This is the house in which Lu Hsun once lived.这就是鲁迅曾经住过的房子.U.S.imperialism is running its head against stone walls everywhere,which shows its days are numbered.美帝到处碰壁,这说明它的寿命不长了.The rally,which was held in the square,was attended by 5,000people.有五千人参加了在广场召开的大会.The auditorium,in which we saw the film yesterday,was built three years ago.昨天我们看电影那个礼堂是三年前建的.

-a.哪个,哪一个:Which company do you belong to?你是哪个连的?Which class are you in?你是哪个班的?

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