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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:35:14

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1470页(1007字)


a.①完整的,无疵的,没有破损的:whole milk全脂奶.escape with a whole skin安全逃脱.swallow a raisin whole 囫囵吞下葡萄干.②整个的,整整的:the whole day整天.a whole half hour整整半个小时.a whole year整整一年.whole number整数.whole meal(没有去麸的)营养面粉.③(与前面加定冠词或所有格的单数名词连用,只作定语)全部的,所有…的,完整的:the whole Party全党.the whole army全军.the whole country全国.the whole world全世界.Study Chairman Mao’s works our whole lifetime.学一辈子毛主席着作.do sth.with one’s whole heart全心全意做某事.④(与复数名词连用)不少于…的,一点也不少的,整整的:It rained for three whole days.下了三整天雨.Give your whole energies to the task.把你全部精力用到工作上去.⑤【古】健康的,健壮的:His hand was made whole.他的手健壮有力.They that are whole need not a physician.【谚】健康的人不需要医生.

-n.全部,全体,整体:the whole of China整个中国.break up the whole into parts化整为零.In approaching a problem,a Marxist should see the whole as well as the parts.克思主义者看问题,不但要看到部分,而且要看到全体.on(or upon)the whole 从全体来看,总之.(taken)as a whole(作为)整体地,全部地:We must bear in mind the revolution as a whole and do every kind of work still better.我们要胸怀革命全局,把各项工作做得更好.

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