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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:35:33

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1472页(681字)


a.①宽的,阔的,广阔的:a wide field宽阔的田地.the wide sea茫茫大海.plant over wide areas for big harvests广种多收.leave a wide margin要留宽边.The river is about ten metres wide.这河大约十公尺宽.②广博的,广泛的:the unprecedentedly wide dissemination of Mao Tsetung Thought毛泽东思想空前大普及.wide knowledge博学.③张开的,开得很大的:stare with wide eyes瞪目凝视Open your mouth wide.把嘴张大.④远离目标的,差得远的:Your answer was wide of the mark.你的回答离题太远了.

-ad.①广地,广阔地:MarxismLeninism spreads far and wide.列主义广泛传播.The door was wide open.门大开着.wide awake完全醒着;【喻】机警的,警惕的:We are all wide awake to the subversive activities of imperialism.我们都高度警觉帝国主义的颠复活动.②歪地,不中地,错地:The first shot fell wide of the target.第一发没中靶.

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