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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:38:44

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1493页(1066字)


a.①不正当的,非法的:wrong doing胡闹.lead sb.to the wrong path把某人引上邪路.It is wrong to evade taxes.偷税是非法的.②错的,错误的,不适当的:a wrong idea错误的想法.a million times wrong 大错特错,come at the wrong time来得不是时候.get into a wrong train坐错火车.take the wrong way走错路.have said or done something wrong 说过一些错话,做过一些错事.His answer is wrong.他的回答是错误的.Tailism is wrong.尾巴主义是错误的.wrong side out穿反地:He put on his socks wrong side out.他把袜子穿反了.have(or get)hold of the wrong end of the stick完全搞错,弄错.in the wrong box为难,处于困境.on the wrong side of过(…岁):He is on the wrong side of fifty.他已年过五十.③有毛病的,不舒服的:What’s wrong with you?你怎么啦?There is something wrong with the machine.机器出了毛病.wrong·ly ad.

-ad.错地,不对地,有毛病地:get it wrong 算错,误解.spell a word wrong 把词拼错.go wrong 1)走错路.2)(机器等)出毛病;(计划等)失败:Something has gone wrong with my bike.我的自行车出了毛病.3)堕落.

-n.①过失,错误,非,邪恶:clarify the rights and wrongs弄清是非.turn right into wrong 颠倒是非.do wrong 作恶.in the wrong 不对,错,理亏.②冤枉,委曲,虐待:suffer wrong 受冤枉.do sb.wrong 虐待某人,对不起某人,误解某人.


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