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书籍:英汉辞典 更新时间:2018-09-12 07:39:21

出处:按学科分类—语言、文字 辽宁人民出版社《英汉辞典》第1497页(819字)


ad.①还,仍然,到目前为止:The meeting will last for hours yet.会还要继续几个小时.We have not yet had news from him.我们还没有得到他的消息.It is not time yet.还不到时候.as yet 现在还,目前尚:The scheme has worked well as yet.这计划到目前进行得还顺利.just yet 恰好现在,上就:We needn’t go just yet.我们不必马上去.②(同比较级连用)还要:It is yet more difficult.这还要困难些.You must work yet harder.你还要加把劲.③(在疑问句里)已经:Is the library open yet?图书馆开馆了吗?Has school begun yet?已经上课了么?④(同连词and,nor,though等连用)然而,可是:another and yet another一个又一个.It is strange,and yet it is true.这事奇怪,却是真的.Though hit by a drought,yet the commune reaped a bumper harvest.公社虽遭到旱灾,但还获得了大丰收.but yet 可是还:The pain was bad,but yet he didn’t groan.他虽然痛得厉害,但还一声不吭.nor yet 也不:He will not accept help nor yet advice.他非但不接受帮助,也不接受劝告.

-conj.而,然而,可是:He is very young,yet experienced.他很年轻,可是老练.

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