出处:按学科分类—经济 天津人民出版社《简明英汉商业辞典》第151页(2347字)
abnormal depreciation 特别折旧
accelerated depreciation 加速折旧
depreciation accounting 折旧会计
depreciation assets 折旧资产
depreciation base 折旧基价
depreciation by annuity method 年金法折旧
depreciation by appraisal method 估价法折旧
depreciation by changing percentage of cost less scrap 余值变率法折旧
depreciation by composite life method 综合年限法折旧
depreciation by compound interest 复利法折旧
depreciation by declining balance methcd 余额递减法折旧
depreciation by equal annual payment method 平均年金法折旧
depreciation by fixed instalment 分期定额法折旧
depreciation by fixed Dercentage of cost 成本定率法折旧
depreciation by fixed percentage of diminishing value 定率减值法折旧
depreciation by percentage of original cost 原始成本定率法折旧
depreciation by production basis method 生产基准法折旧
depreciation by reducing instalment 分期递减法折旧
depreciation by replacement method 重置成本法折旧
depreciation by rettrement method 备废法折旧
depreciation by service output method 劳务数量法折旧
depreciation by sinking fund method 偿债基金法折旧
depreciation by unit-of-produet method 产品单位法折旧
depreciation by working hours method 工作时间法折旧
depreciation funds 折旧基金;折旧费
depreciation of currency 货币贬值
depreciation of gross earnings 总收益提成折旧
depreciation of insurance 保险折旧
depreciation of inventory 盘存折旧
depreciation of machinery 机器折旧
depreciation of revenue 营业收入贬值
depreciation of value 贬值;折旧
depreciation on franchises 专利折旧
depreciation on replacement value 重置价值折旧
depreciation rate 折旧率
depreciation reserve 折旧准备
depreciation unit 折旧单位