出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第622页(3958字)
abscess due to stagnation of cold-evil缓疽
abscess of glans penis阴头痈
abscess of iliac fossa with flexed leg缩脚流注
abscess ofinternal organs内痈
abscess of the popliteal fossa委中痈
abscess of the popliteal region上水鱼
abscess of the scrotum囊痈
abscess of the throat喉痈
abscess of the tougue舌痈
abscess of uvula悬痈;海底痈
abscess on palate上腭痈
abscess on the border or center of the lower surface of the tongue卷舌痈
abscess on the thigh or shank股胫疽
abscess or ulcer of the thigh or shank股胫疽
acute abscess急性脓肿
alveolar abscess牙槽脓肿
bicameral abscess双腔脓肿
bone abscess化脓性骨膜炎;骨髓炎
canalicular abscess乳小管脓肿
cold abscess痨病
cold abscess on the lumbar region井疽
colonic abscess大肠痈
deep abscess无头痈
deep-seated mammary abscess乳疽
faucial abscess喉关痈
fistula from a cold abscess穿心冷瘘
incise the abscess切开脓疮
incision of the abscess脓肿切开口
intramammary abscess乳疽
liver abscess肝疽
mammary abscess吹奶
milk abscess乳疮
multiple abscess流注
multiple abscess caused by(或due to)
phlegm-dampness(dampness and phlegm)湿痰流注
multiple abscess due to(caused by)blood stasis瘀血流注
multiple abscess due to(caused by)heat and dampness暑湿流注
multiple abscess with summer-heat and dampness syndrome暑湿流注
open an abscess开脓肿
palatal abscess上腭痈
palmar abscess托盘疔;瘭疽
pelvic abscess盆腔脓肿
perianal abscess肛痔;肛周痈
periappendicular abscess肠痈
periodontal abscess牙周脓肿
peritonsillar abscess喉关痈
pulmonary abscess肺脓肿
retropharyngeal abscess咽后痈;结喉痈
ruptured abscess resistant to healing疮溃不敛
scrotal abscess囊痈
serious abscess厉痈
small intestinal abscess小肠痈
stomach abscess胃痈
sublingual abscess舌下痈
submandibular abscess颌下痈
submaxillary abscess颌下痈
submental abscess颌下痈
testicular abscess子痈
throat abscess喉痈
urinary abscess尿脓肿
white abscess on the tongue死舌痈
The abscess is small and shallow.脓肿小而浅。
Multiple abscess refers to the recurrent metastatic abscesses in the deep layers of the muscles.流注指皮肌肉深部的多发性转移性脓疡。
Submental abscess is the abscess occurring below the chin.颌下痈即发生于颌下的痈疡。
Faucial abscess is the suppurative lesion of the fauces of the pharynx.喉关痈即发生于喉关部位的化脓性病变。
Palmar abscess is another term for the Traycarrying Ding.托盘疔的别名叫瘭疽。
Testicular abscess is the acute or chronic suppurative inflammation of the testes.子痈即发生于睾丸的急、慢性化脓性炎症。
Colonic abscess is acute suppurative infection of the large intestine.大肠痈指发生在大肠的急性化脓性炎症。