
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:03:26

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第629页(1577字)




acupoint block穴位封闭

acupoint blocking method穴位阻滞法

acupoint injection of drugs穴位注射

acupoint intradermal embedding of needle穴位埋藏

acupoint iontophoresis穴位离子透入

acupoint laser irradiation穴位激光照射

acupoint laser stimulation穴位激光刺激

acupoint ligation穴位结扎

acupoint magnetotherapy穴位磁疗

acupoint needle retention穴位留针

acupoints of the fourteen channels十四经穴

acupoint ultra-sound stimulation穴位超声波刺激

catgut implantation at acupoint穴位埋线

determine the acupoints确定针刺穴位

extend the scope of indications of the acupoints扩大经穴主治的范围

locate acupoints取穴

methods of locating acupoints腧位的定位法

press acupoints按穴

press and knead the acupoint按揉穴位

puncture acupoints on(the arm,nose…)对(臂,鼻部的)穴位进行针刺

the accuracy of locations of acupoints腧穴定位的准确性

the scope of indications of the acupoints经穴主治的范围

tip and knead the acupoint点揉穴位

wound of important acupoints穴道伤

Through acupoints the qi of the Zang-fu organs and channels is transported to the body surface.人体脏腑经络之气通过腧穴输注于体表。

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