
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:10:56

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第654页(1949字)




abdominal apoplexy腹部卒中

adrenal apoplexy肾上腺卒中

amphiblestroid apoplexy视网膜猝出血

apoplexy caused by phlegm痰中

apoplexy due to physical debility虚中

apoplexy in pregnancy妊娠中风

apoplexy involving the channels中经

apoplexy involving the channels and their collaterals中经络

apoplexy involving the collaterals中络

apoplexy involving the hollow organs中腑

apoplexy involving the viscera中脏

apoplexy resulting from exogenous wind evil类中风

be seized with apoplexy中风

bulbar apoplexy延髓卒中

capillary apoplexy毛细血管性卒中

cerebellar apoplexy小脑卒中

cerebral apoplexy大脑卒中;脑溢血

congestive apoplexy充血卒中

cutaneous apoplexy皮肤猝充血

delayed apoplexy延迟性卒中

embolic apoplexy栓塞性卒中

fulminating apoplexy暴发性卒中

functional apoplexy机能性卒中;神经性卒中

heat apoplexy中暑;热射病

hemorrhagic apoplexy出血性卒中

ingravescent apoplexy渐重性卒中

meningeal apoplexy脑膜卒中

multiple apoplexy多发性卒中

patient with apoplexy风家

postpartum apoplexy产后中风

renal apoplexy肾卒中;肾猝出血

spasmodic apoplexy痉挛性卒中

true apoplexy真中风

Apoplexy is characterized by cerebral vascular accident.中风指脑血管意外类疾患。

A person with apoplexy often faints and loses consciousness suddenly.风家多猝然昏倒,不省人事。

上一篇:apoplectoid 下一篇:apparatus