
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:15:49

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第667页(1813字)




alternate attacks of chills and fever寒热往来

attacked water侵蚀水

attack of the Taiyang Channel by wind太阳中风

attack rate发病率

attack the body separately分别侵袭人体

attack the body simultaneously同时侵袭人体

attack the exterior of the body病在表;侵袭体表

be attacked by cold-evil中寒

be attacked by pestilent factors中恶

be attacked by wind受风

be attacked with a disease害病

constant attack经常发作

cough after convulsion attack惊膈嗽

drop an attack猝然倒下发作

epileptic attack癫痫发作

frequent attacks发作频繁

have an attack of malaria发疟子

have an attack of one’s old illness犯病

heart attack心脏病发作

pathogenic factor attacking the exterior of the body表邪

pathogens attack病邪侵袭

persistent attacks不断发作

repeated attack反复发作

severe attack of toothache牙痛的剧烈发作

stage of attack发病期

sudden attack of a fatal disease暴病

sudden attack of a serious illness暴病

uncinate attack钩形发作

Phlegm-dampness attacks the lung.痰湿犯肺。

Wind--heat evil attacks the spleen channel.风热侵脾经。

Wind-evil attacks the exterior of the body.风邪袭表。

The hyperactive liver-qi attacks the stomach.肝气犯胃。

上一篇:attain 下一篇:atrophic