
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:18:19

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第674页(1724字)




be addicted to…醉心于…;沉溺于…

be a mass of…遍布着…;遍体是…

be a mass of miraculous medicine是一种奇效药

be attacked with a disease害病

be bitten by frost被冻伤

be bitten in……被咬(叮)了一口

be in good fig精神好

be in a taciturn mood郁闷寡言

be in a nervousstate处于神经不安状态

be in a very low spirit心情不畅;情志不遂

be light in the head头晕

be of…具有…(特点)

be of frequent recurrence经常复发

be of no benefit无益;不具好处

be off(out off)one’s head神智不清

be only skin and bone(s)瘦得皮包骨

be pregnant怀胎;怀孕

be quite ill病的不轻

be serious in the premenstrual period经前加重

be seriously ill生重病

be sick with…患…病

be sick with influenza患流感

be stiff with cold冻僵

be stone dead死的硬邦邦的

He is a mass of bruises.他遍体鳞伤。

He was bitten in the leg.他腿上被咬(叮)。

He has been sick for 3 weeks.他已经病了三个星期了。

His pulse was at a hundred per minute.他的脉每分钟一百次。

The lumps are irregular.肿块不规则。

The abdominal pain is stationary in the right lower abdomen.腹痛固定于右下腹。

The skin is dry and atrophic.皮肤干燥萎缩。
