出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第696页(1520字)
branch off分叉
minute branch极小的分支
nodular branch of pine油松节(中药)
the branches of a deer’s horns鹿角上的分叉
the earthly branches地支
the first of the twelve earth ly branches子
the second of the twelve earthly branches丑
the third of the twelve earthly branches寅
the fourth of the twelve earthly branches卯
the fifth of the twelve earthly branches辰
the sixth of the twelve earthty branches巳
the seventh of the twelve earthly branches午
the eighth of the twelve earthly branches未
the ninth of the twelve earthly branches申
the tenth of the twelve earthly branches酉
the eleventh of the twelve earthly branches戌
the last of the twelve earthly branches亥
various branches of medicine医学各科
various clinical branches临床各科
white mulberry branches桑枝(中药)
To differentiate pathological conditions in accordance with the eight principal syndromes is applicable to the differentiation of the syndromes of diseases in every clinical branch of medicine.八纲辨证适用于临床各科疾病的辨证。