
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:32:03

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第721页(1014字)


Ⅰ n.寒冷,受寒,寒战Ⅱ a.寒冷的Ⅲ v.使冷,感到寒冷

alternate attacks of chills and fever寒热往来

alternate episodes of chills and fever寒热往来

alternate spells of fever and chill寒热往来

be chilled to the marrow寒冷彻骨

chills and fever寒热

chills and pain of the waist and knees腰膝冷痛

chills with chattering teeth寒栗鼓领

creeping chill寒冷感

feel a chill both in the hands and feet手足发冷

fever with chill发热恶寒

nervous chill神经性战栗

shaking chill恶寒战栗

showering chill洒淅恶寒

Alternate attacks of chills and fever means that chills alternates with fever.寒热往来是指恶寒与发热交替发作。

At the onset T was seized by severe chill.病初起,我寒战不已。

The chill has subsided.已不再有寒战了。
