
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:39:13

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第744页(1428字)


Ⅰ a.复方的,复合的Ⅱ n.混合物,化合物Ⅲ v.使复合,使化合,使合成

a compound injury of the ligament and tendon韧带和肌腱复合损伤

a medical compound药剂

be used alone or as compound prescription单用或配复方用

compound drugs复味药

compound fracture有创骨折

Compound Hepatitis-Treating Infusion复方肝炎冲剂

compound infusion复方冲剂

Compound Infusion Isatis root复方板蓝根冲剂

Compund Infusion of Honeysuckle Flower复方金银花冲剂

compound injection复方注射液

Compound Injection of Red Sage Root复方丹参注射液

compound medicine配药;配制药剂

compound of glauber-salt and liquorice玄明粉(中药)

compound oral liquid复方口服液

Compound Oral Liquid of lsatis leaf复方大青叶合剂

compound patent medicine复方成药

compound power复方散剂

Compound Power of Snake-bile and Fritillary Bulb复方胆川贝散

compound semifluid extract复方膏

Compound Semifluid Extract of Red Sage Root复方丹参膏

compound tablet复方片剂

Compound Tablet of Red Sage Root复方丹参片

Compound Tablet of Sichun Fritillary Bulb复方川贝精片
