出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第755页(2892字)
abdominal pain associated with infantile convulsion惊风腹痛
acute infantile convulsion急惊风
arrest convulsion定惊
blurring of convulsion and vision瞀瘛
central convulsion中枢性惊厥
chronic convulsion瘈疭(手足伸缩抽动)
chronic infantile convulsion慢惊风
convulsion caused by exogenous evils柔痓
convulsion caused by improper diet伤食痉挛
convulsion due to excessive summer-heat暑风成惊
convulsion due to high fever因热惊厥
convulsion in infants天钓
convulsion neonatorum脑搐
convulsion of newborn胎搐
convulsion or toxic shock惊厥或中毒性休克者
convulsion seizure due to wind-warm evil风温痉
convulsion with symptoms of three yin channels三阴痉
convulsion with up-lifted eyes天钓
cough after convulsion attack惊膈嗽
dimness of vision with convulsion瞀瘈
dispel wind and relieve convulsion祛风定惊
edema caused by convulsion惊水
epilepsy-like convulsion in infants天钓似痫
epileptiform convulsion惊厥
expel endogenous wind to relieve convulsion去风解痉
fall into convulsion发惊厥
four manifestations of acute infantile convulsion惊风四证
have convulsion起痉挛
infantile convulsion小儿惊风
infantile convulsion with fever惊风热
infantile convulsion with polydipsia惊风烦渴
infantile convulsion with tuberculosis惊风结核
paralysis of extremities occurred after convulsion attack惊瘫
postpartum convulsion产后发痉
prodromata of infantile convulsion惊风先兆
promote expectoration to arrest convulsion坠痰镇惊
recurrent convulsion due to disorder of liver慢肝惊风
relieve convulsion镇惊
remove heat to relieve convulsion清热祛风
strabismus after the seizure of convulsion惊后瞳斜
suppress the sthenic yang for tranquilizing the mind or relieving convulsion潜阳镇惊
tonic convulsion of the limbs肢体强硬
umbilical convulsion脐风
wind-warm convulsion风温痉
Extreme heat produces convulsion.热极生风。
Postpartum convulsion may result from wind production due to up-stirring of liverheat.产后发痉可由热动肝风引起。