
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:53:29

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第778页(1207字)




depletion at the top上厥

depletion at the top with exhaustion below上厥下竭

depletion below下厥

depletion of the body fluid津液衰亡

depletion of yin fluid阴液衰亡

imminent depletion即将衰亡

overflowing at the top with depletion below下厥上冒

salt depletion缺盐

spirit depletion脱神

(the)imminent depletion of the yin fluid阴液即将衰亡

yang depletion或depletion of yang亡阳

yin depletion或depletion of yin亡阴

water depletion缺水

Depletion of yang may be caused by persis

tent and profuse sweating,severe and excessive vomiting and diarrhea,etc.亡阳可由大汗不止,吐泻过剧等引起。

Yang depletion is the pathologic manifestation of a sudden exhaustion of the yang-qi.亡阳是阳气突然衰竭的病理现象。

Depletion of yin is the pathological manifestation of an excessive exhaustion of the yin fluid.亡阴是阴液过度耗损的病理表现。
