
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 20:55:44

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第782页(2507字)




arrive at a correct diagnosis做出正确的诊断

clinical diagnosis临床诊断

correct diagnosis正确的诊断

deductive diagnosis推论诊断

differential diagnosis鉴别诊断

diagnosis according to pulse rather than symptoms and signs舍证从脉

diagnosis according to symptoms and signs rather than on pulse舍脉从证

diagnosis according to the eight guiding principles八纲辨证

diagnosis according to the five colours五色诊

diagnosis and treatment证治

diagnosis and treatment of internal medicine内科证治

diagnosis and treatment of pediatric diseases儿科证治

diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injury and dermatology外伤及皮肤科证治

diagnosis by feeling the pulse脉诊

diagnosis on the basis of pulse condition rather than symptoms and signs舍证从脉

diagnosis on the basis of symptoms and signs rather than on the basis of pulse condition舍脉从证

dialectical diagnosis辨证诊断

differential diagnosis in accordance with the eight principal syndromes八纲辨证

direct diagnosis直接诊断

erroneous diagnosis误诊

essence of diagnosis诊断精要

lingual diagnosis舌诊

make a definite diagnosis确诊

make a diagnosis作出诊断

means of diagnosis诊断手段

missed diagnosis漏诊

pathologic diagnosis病理诊断

prescription of doctor’s diagnosis诊断处方

proper diagnosis正确的诊断

regional diagnosis局部诊断

TCM diagnosis中医诊断

technique of diagnosis诊法

tentative diagnosis临时诊断

the four methods of diagnosis四诊

The preliminary diagnosis is apoplexy.初步诊断为中风。

The four methods of diagnosis are observation,auscultation and olfaction,interrogation,pulse feeling and palpation.所谓四诊即望诊,闻诊,问诊和切诊。

Yin and yang,exterior and interior,cold and heat,and deficiency and excess are utilized clinically for diagnosis of disease.阴阳,表里,寒热,虚实,用于临床疾病诊辨。
