出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第828页(1174字)
arrest seminal emission涩精
astringe spontaneous emission or leukorrhea涩精止带
control nocturnal emission with astringent drugs固(涩)精
cure emission治疗遗精
cure impotence and emission主治阳痿遗精
emission and premature ejaculation遗精早泄
emission due to accumulation of phlegm痰壅遗精
emission due to the kidney deficiency肾虚遗精
emission of sperm遗精;梦遗
in male cases,impotence and seminal emission男子阳萎滑精
involuntary emission of semen滑精
nocturnal emission梦遗
protracted suppression without emission久而不泄
seminal emission遗精
spontaneous emission(spermatorrhea)自淫
treat spontaneous emission and leukorrhagia固精止带
ttave you had any emissions?你遗精吗?
Hollow pulse may result from emission due to deficiency of the kidney.肾虚失精,可出现芤脉。