
书籍:汉英英汉中医大辞典 更新时间:2018-09-16 21:10:58

出处:按学科分类—医药、卫生 天津大学出版社《汉英英汉中医大辞典》第831页(3977字)




abdominal pain due to stagnation of vital energy气结腹痛

abnormal rising of lung-energy肺气上逆

abnormal rising of vital energy气逆

acquired vital energy后天之气

be full of energy精力旺盛

circulation and change of vital energy气化

collapse of middle warmer energy中气下陷

constipation due to stagnation of vital energy气秘

constructive energy营(气)

deafness due to deficiency of vital energy气虚耳聋

deficiency of both vital energy and blood气血两亏

depressed vital energy气郁

diarrhea due to stagnation of vital energy气泻

disorder of vital energy气机不利

disorder of vital energy and the blood气血失调

dizziness caused by the abnormal rising of vital energy下厥上冒

dizziness due to depressed vital energy气郁眩晕

dysentery due to disorder of vital energy气痢

dysphagia due to stagnation of vital energy气膈

dyspnea due to de ficiency of vital energy气虚喘

dysuria caused by disorder of vital energy气癃

energy accumulation能量积聚

energy consumption能量消耗

evil energy邪气

excessive bleeding followed by exhaustion of vital energy气随血脱

fever due to deficiency of vital energy气虚发热

flaccidity of the limbs due to deficiency of vital energy气虚痿

flatulence resulting from deficiency of vital energy气虚中满

food energy谷气

functional activities of vital energy气机


genuine energy真气;正气

healthy energy精气;精力;正气

hiccup caused by disorder of vital energy气呃

identification according to the vital energy and blood气血辨证

keep the adverse energy downward下气

large circle of vital energy大周天

life energy生命力

lifi up the middle-warmer energy升提中气

lumbago due to stagnation of vital energy气滞腰痛

menorrhagia due to deficiency of vital energy气虚月经过多

(the)middle warmer energy中气

nourish the vital energy and essence of the body补气滋阴

palpitation due to deficiency of vital energy气虚心悸

palpitation due to stagnation of vital energy and blood stasis气滞血瘀心悸

physical energy体力

(the)primordial energy元气

spontaneous perspiration due to deficiency of vital energy气虚自汗

stomachache due to depressed vital energy气郁脘痛

strengthen the genuine energy抉正气

the sluggishness of the vital energy气缓

threatened abortion due to deficiency of vital energy气虚滑胎

tympanites due to stagnation of vital energy气鼓

(the)vital energy气;精气

(the)vital energy and blood气血

vital energy as the commander of blood气为血帅

vital energy sea气海

Hyperfunction of vital energy may lead to fire-syndrome.气有余便是火。

The consumption of healthy energy is considered as an asthenia-syndrome.精气夺则虚。

The Wei-energy fails to protect the body.卫气不固。

Vital energy in motion renders blood circulating normally.气行血行。

上一篇:endure 下一篇:empiral